Here are some photos to help you identify some common issues with basil.

If you notice any shininess on your leaves, you may have aphids! The shiny stuff left on leaves is the sap secreted from aphids. Look for aphids that are hiding on your plants.
You can try neem oil spray or soapy water to get rid of them.

Underwatered basil will feel dry and crispy. The soil will also be dried out.
Prevent underwatering your basil by checking the soil every 1-2 days, watering as needed.
Overwatered basil will have droopy leaves and will start to turn yellow. The soil will be wet.
Leaving the basil to sit in a puddle of water may lead to root rot. Basil likes to be in moist soil but not soaked for prolonged periods of time.

Do not put your basil plant in the refrigerator! The cold will kill the basil and the leaves will turn black, appearing burned.